This month we will be talking about winter foot problems, with winter fast approaching we thought it was the perfect time to revisit some of the common things we see in winter and whatto look out for. This month we will discuss the importance of socks the types and why they are so good in winter, footwear problems in winter and common sports injuries we see in the clinic through winter
Winter Foot Problems
Joint and/or muscle pain is a real thing, you don’t just think about it more, it is actually scientifically proven that its more painful in winter, this is because the colder weather does actually impact your tissues and joints which can cause pain but can also make some foot
conditions such as heel pain feel worse.
- Circulation conditionssuch as chilblains, chilblains are skin sores or bumps
that appear on the skin after prolonged exposure to cold, they can start withdiscoloration and toes that are cold to touch. They cause itching and burningwhen exposed to high or low temperatures especially when the temperature changes quickly. If not taken care of they can break down into sores that are very painful and very slow healing, these sores can easily get infected especially as
the blood flow in the area is already poor so it is best to prevent them. We can do this with warm socks, blankets, wearing shoes and avoiding sudden change in temperature. If you want to know more about socks, shoes and winter sports issues keep an eye out for the next few videos over the coming weeks. Importance of socks in winterI find socks very underrated, they are very useful important tools.
Socks can make a big difference to our feet,
- They help prevent skin conditions such as tinea,
- They can reduce the risk of circulation issues such as chilblains,
Reduce the intensity of pressure related conditions such as blisters, calluses and corns.
- Socks in winter are a fantastic way to keep the feet warm
Importance of Shoes in Winter
Shoes in winter is an interesting one. You get those people that don’t seem affected by the cold and wear open shoes all year around – which is not good for your circulation and can cause damage to blood vessels but also increase your risk of conditions such as chilblains.
Alternatively we have those that would rather have sore feet and wear shoes that“Look good” but aren’t necessarily practical, these can be pretty high heeled boots, boots, even sneakers , they can be tight fitting, cause pain and increase risk of issues such as ingrown toenails, dry skin and corns.
With an increase in sports such as football, basketball, netball and soccer we often start to see an increase in heel pain from overuse, or from incorrect footwear, we see more ingrown toenails from trauma more ankle injuries from landing incorrectly and twisting and we see more of those contagious locker room conditions such as tinea and warts. Many of these conditions can be easily prevented if you know how. Feel free to contact us if you want more information about anything we’ve discussed