Tyler DeLeon Profile Photo

Tyler DeLeon


Tyler successfully completed his Bachelor of Applied Science, Master of Podiatric Practice at La Trobe University. Tyler is a passionate podiatrist, dedicated to all areas of podiatric practice. He has gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience during his placements at hospitals and community health centers. 

Tyler is especially interested in musculoskeletal injuries around the lower limb and foot, as well as issues relating to ‘high-risk’ foot patients. 

Tyler believes that overall foot health is essential in today’s society but is often overlooked by many. This drives Tyler to continue to provide awareness of the importance of foot health, and to give a holistic approach to patient’s foot health. 

Originally from the United States, Tyler enjoys playing basketball, and has competed at high levels in both Australia and the US. Tyler also enjoys spending time with friends and family, and creating new memories.


There is no concern too big or small; at Holistic Foot Clinic, we understand the importance of healthy feet.  If you’re searching for podiatrist Burwoodpodiatrist Taylors Hillpodiatrist Caroline Springs, podiatrist North Ringwood or any surrounding suburb, you’ve come to the right place.

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