Healing Foot Pain with Shockwave Therapy Shockwave therapy (also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy or ESWT) is a modern technology that uses pulses of low-energy soundwaves to stimulate healing in muscles & tendons with chronic problems - as seen with...
Foot Mobilisation
Prefabricated Orthotics
Prefabricated Orthotics All orthotic devices aim to assist an individual's biomechanical needs. Prefabricated devices are commonly used for arch pain, plantar fasciitis, heel pain. We have found them to have great success when fitted and employed correctly....
What are Orthotics?
Orthotics--What are they? Orthotics are devices made to assist an individual's biomechanical function and either support, increase or restrict particular movements through the feet. They can be used to manage an array of conditions, and are used for people of all...
Foot Mobilisation Therapy
FOOT MOBILISATION THERAPY (FMT) FOR IMPROVED JOINT MOVEMENT & REDUCING PAIN The team at Holistic Foot Clinic recently undertook further training in the emerging technique known as Foot Mobilisation. This full day course was run by Tito Pignetti & Michael...